I was just passing by,
When I heard a low voice saying hi,
I just neglected and went on,
When I turned back I saw you were gone
Then next day I somehow lifted my face,
Felt like you were the one for me but I left because I was in haste,
Don't know why you had that change in expression,
Whenever you looked at me like u wanted to make a confession,
When our eyes met for the first time,
I just felt love is not a.crime,
Although people say you are a wrong dude,
My heart says you are somewhere good,
It felt like your footsteps just wanted mine beside them,
And my hand waiting for your fingers to fit in ,
But after a few days story had taken a new turn,
My heart was set on fire and it began to burn
I could see you looking for someone else,
From the clouds I was fallen back to my place,
I knew all that I think won't come true,
But dint expect this one,I have turned complete blue:-(

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