I hate you; you know why?
Not just because you made me cry.
Not just because you left me alone.
Not just because you didn't keep your word.
Not just because you said you couldn't love me anymore.
Not just because you broke my heart.
Not just because you slayed all my emotions.
Not just because you sponged away the colours of my life.
Not just because you gave me a hell life to live.
Not just because you have redefined love.
Not just because you attacked the realm of my dreams.
Not just because you looted my treasure of faith.
Not just because you were a big fraud.
These things are too small; isn't it?
To conquer my love for you.
But I hate you,
Because you are not sorry at all.
Because you seem to be unaware of your grave fault.
Because I know you call me a loon.
Because you still feel like a king.

Tags: Tragedy

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