I hate the mouseless PC.
It's actually an useless PC.
It works.. but how!
The scroller is situated in the middle.
My wrist aches as I tap n tap n tap again!
The curser's absconding!
But I refrain myself.
'Cause I can't curse.
Then the arrow can be seen somewhere in the remotest corner of the PC.
I tap and tap n tap again.
It finally decides to appear.
Relieved, I tap n tap n tap again.
A new site opens.
Now the scroller gives me trouble.
So I press two fingers..
and it scrolls down so fast
I don't know how to go up again!
So I tap n tap n tap..
just to get off the site..
off my son's PC..
and get on mine!
The mouse ready..
I click just once
Lo! and behold!
I'm on WriterBabu.

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