I'm ashamed to be an Indian. For the first time in my life. I'm not proud anymore.

After what happened in delhi..some months ago and happened yesterday to that innocent little girl...I don't wanna be an Indian anymore.

How will I show my face to a foreigner? He will look me up and down and exclaim, " you come from the land of rapists?"
How could I ever look at him steadily and answer that question?

I wish all males could be castrated. Movie industry shut down.
Porn magazines shredded to pieces. The net censored heavily.
Perversion in any form be punished severely.
Rapists be humiliated terribly. Publicly.

I wish women could walk tall. Without fear. Safe inside safe outside.
Safe from leering, lecherous guys. Who want a feel of their bodies.

Safe from promiscuous boyfriends with sex always on their minds. Who see a girl only as a body and not the total person within.

I wish laws could finally be enacted, crocodile tears stop flowing.
Girl child would be welcomed with equal magnanimity.

Only then would I be proud to be an Indian.

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