So as you all know i got her email id...

She left without even saying bye or see you and it was expected.

That night i had a mission....and the mission was to find her online. All i knew was her name and email id.
I searched her on Facebook. But there were millions of girls named Neha. "Damn it! such a common name. I cursed her parents to not choose a unique name for her. All they find was "Neha"....come on!. Most of the girls who were born somewhere around 1985-1990 probably had their name "Neha".

So my next step was to find her on Google+. Yeah i know...nobody goes there but still i had this slight hope to find her there. As soon as i typed Neha(with her surname of course) i got some options....and there it was dream girl in a typical indian dress. "Beautiful!" i said to myself just to remind my heart that she is mine.

So i send her a message-
"Hi Neha i know it sounds a bit creepy but i like you...pls respond if u ever read this msg"

A day passed...two and then three. I missed her and it felt like hell in these three days.

Anyways i also emailed her about my feelings but guess turns out to be some guy's id.

His reply was...."Hahaha....abe aashiq...nikal yaha se...hahahaha".

I consoled myself that she might have given me the right id and its me who wrote it down incorrectly.

But deep inside i knew the truth......:(

........................................................To be continued

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