I have been away from u for so long .. but
I still can feel ur breath on my neck just like on our way back to hostel from the trip..

I still can feel the gravity of the moment wen I see u in the first glance from a short distance. .

I still can feel the electric charge in my whole body just like the times u look directly into my eyes and steal my heart piece by piece

I still can feel the warmth of ur touch just like every time you hold me arond my huge waist

I still can feel the tenderness of ur lips on mine..

I still can feel the peace that I get wen u wrap me in ur arms .. though it is very difficult. ..haath pahanchte nahi na easily :D

I just wanted to tell u that.. I am still alive.. just bcoz I know that I ll be coming back to u..

I know that my life is now meaningful. . Bcoz of ur presence. Ur love..
and most importantly am the one responsible for ur heart now.. toh jeena toh padega hi na... love u.. miss u a lot.. and waiting to come to u asap ..

love you. .

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