There is beautiful canal close to my place with a narrow road running alongside for some 20 km. There is hardly any traffic on it during nights and the breeze is awesome , also for the wicked few, there are plenty of 'grass' plants on the canal bank :-) all along.

So today evening after I had a somewhat incomplete discussion with Tinks (my totally opposite other part) I decided to go for a drive as I was feeling something amiss.

I had driven hardly 5km on the canal road when I suddenly noticed a man on a cycle to my left and next thing I heard was BANG. I stopped the car immediately, came out to find the cycle under the rear wheels of the car and man on the left side of the road going hysterical in pain.

Before I could assess the situation two women and one man appeared and all blame game started, I called 100 and in the meantime asked drama makers to put the man in the car, they argued but I wanted the man to see a doc asap.

Police called back, I told them I am taking the man to PG hospital 6km away, they said they will be there, I was told I can go home and if required I will be called to the police station.

Called Tinks she said its ok, all will be fine ,go home and relax.
I reached home still under burden of having run over an innocent person when the local police cop called to tell me that there is no injury so all you have to do is to pay for the damages for the cycle.

Later he called to tell, it seems a con act you don't need to do anything we will take care of it.

Turns out the villagers have learnt a smart way to earn money on that road, they spot a vehicle coming and push a cycle on its way, the driver can't see much beyond the optical range of 45 degree. so they assume that they might have run over someone and end up paying money to the actors who are there waiting to jump up on the poor soul.

India is awesome :-)

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