I dream of a lovely daughter
pretty and cute
with that dimpled smile
and simply no guile

She'd sit by my side
patiently listening to my stories
nodding her head from time to time
for no reason or rhyme

Her hair so silky and smooth
cascading to her waist
I'd brush vigorously
several times though monotonously

She would help me in my chores
reduce my drudgery to half
Sundays would be my rest day
as lazy in bed I stay

I'd go for walks with her
when she'd tell me of her day
her brush with her crush
words intermingled with subdued hush

I'd listen wordlessly
just watch her cheeks blush
as she carelessly revealed
the love she'd carefully concealed

She'd then look at me
waiting for my response
I'd be calm and silent
with hasty judgement not torment

I'd be by her side
support her in her ups and downs
let folk say what they will
she's my precious daughter still

So resplendent she walks up the aisle
my proud heart would skip a beat
her eyes meet mine, my eyes would smile
as two hands meet in perfect fairy tale style

Oh! How I wish I had one
so sweet and cherubic
but with each advancing year
remains merely a dream so dear!

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