One day, I met this random girl making lots of noise at the vending machine.

For a moment I think it's really amazing, and I find myself wanting to ask how comes there's a girl like this.

But I'm not that interested and I decide to just walk away.

All this only lasted until I received a love letter from her...

What! I'm a fairy from a jungle?

Which comic did she get this from?

It looks like she's only reading comics instead of studying, the letter is full of mistakes, even the handwriting is bad.

I definitely can't tolerate this!

How dare she write

this kind of letter to me,

She's a complete D.

I embarrass the girl in front of so many people unexpectedly.

I'm feeling a little bad, but she's already in grade 3 and yet she couldn't write a simple letter like this.

I hope that this incident will be able to wake her up, although her about-to-cry expression did make me feel guilty.

Then, the rumor about me dumping this girl starts to spread around in and, because of this, I was made fun of by my friends.
All this explanations makes me even more irritated.

She's chasing after me with her short legs.

the thought 'Don't tell me I"m going to be chased like this ofr the rest of my life.' appears in my head.

I"m always getting linked to her recently and all those rumors are starting to really piss me off, so I warn her not to start any rumors.

I also ask her to swear that she will act as if she doesn't know me , but not matter how mean my words are, she just stands there and listens to me.

That makes me feel really weird.

What happened?

Why do I have this uneasy feeling, like something has been tied to my ankle?
Although I said I would wait for her o come home, I still went off without her.

I find it very irritating to be walking around with others, and even more irritating to DO things facing each other, and listening to people nagging is just as irritating.

But she caught me.

I saw a very strange guys this morning when I headed out, and there's still some distance from the station to the house, so I better go find her.

So irritating!

Why does she have to appear before me and mess up my daily life! So irritating!

She wasn't even afraid when she met the pervert, she only wanted to get back her shoe.

She's really weird.

When she looks at me with her innocent eyes and tells me it's the first present she received from mom, an unknown feeling pricked really softly in my heart.

Oh My! We even get sports wear wrong! So irritating!

But this girl is really daring, she dares to ask me to teach her and tells me that if I do, she will call of the promise I made her to give her a piggyback ride.

This is so annoying!

Why did my mom give this girl my picture?

That is the period that I want to get out of my life the most.

The time when I didn't know anything and I got praised by my friends for dressing up as a girl.

When being the center of attention made my soul very happy.

When the adults praised me when I was dressed like that and said that I was so cute that they wanted to take a bite.

But one day, when I changed into my swimming attire, my friends started calling me pervert, those kids who used to play with me started mocking me.

From then onwards I didn't trust and I didn't believe in anyone anymore.

I always feel that no matter how much I tell you I like you now, if anything happens, everything will change.

In the morning, when she was wearing the outfit, sweating all over but still cheeing for her teem no matter what doing her best, made me realize that she was cute.

And the moment that I noticed that she's cute, my heart went on step ahead.

I was about to say "very cute" but my heart was once again taken control ovr my rational side, and instead said "Go downstairs to help out!"

Although onepart of me wanted to ask her to get ome rest because of her leg, another part of me told her to go help my mom.

Thank God that se didn'treaize that she melted a little my frozen heart.......................................@Playful Kiss.


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