I used to know the perfect word for each moment. I used to know how to describe absolutely everything - my feelings, my friends, my tastes, myself basically. Well, not anymore. How did it happen? I don't know. When? I don't know either. I've been saying 'I don't know' a lot recently. It's like there is nothing else that can describe me. If I say 'I...' everyone knows what I'm about to say. There is nothing left to say about me. Suddenly I am in a stage that I have not idea of what to do, to say, to feel or where to be or to go. There is only one thing that I do know. I miss you. When I'm with you I don't need to know anything else. I don't need to look for the answers to every enquery of my soul. I just can lay on your shoulder and pretend that everything is perfect, because it is.

Tags: Myself, Miss you

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