Hey. I don't have any thing to write. But I'm still at it. That's the magic you folk weaved around me.
Your praises and encouragement have me hooked.
Now I HAVE to write.
Or have I gotten obsessed.

From a highly reserved person to someone who shares from the heart...I've evolved a lot.
Credit to WB.
Writing's highly therapeutic. Sure painkiller. As I discovered..
I steal moments from my hectic schedule ..looking after family members..guests..cooking..shopping ..cleaning..taking calls ..to peek at you all..into your lives too. I'm sure you are going through stuff too.

I thought I'd write of what I've been going through of late. Nothing's been working right at my side. Home front that is.
Dadinlaw fell sick six months ago. A very fit man...highly positive..he's a vegetable now. I realise the pain folk go through with ailing relatives in hospital.
Mominlaw gets worried always. Guests keep pouring in by the dozens..
She faces health issues. Finance too an important challenge.
She worries how I'd manage. I keep a cool face. Then turn to my Friend.
He comforts me. "All things work together for good to them who love God and are called according to His purpose." He said.
Wow. That means this problem can actually do us good in the long run.
So I hand over each day's burdens back onto His capable shoulders and sit smugly.
"With you around..I'm in good hands" I reply.
He smiles.
I trust.
I laugh and rejoice.
With Him by my side I fear nothing.
And take one day at a time.

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