reader discretion is required..
I am not my name not even a real person..but my ideas are true for my thoughts the mirror of my soul.
Have you ever imagined what if by what name you know a person is not even his real name..what if after a long duration of time spent knowing a person you realize this has been fake all the time.
The one you know might be a replica of what he is actually but not the real he. And that to with someone you felt close to..
Yes you would bother if it was someone you thought was close enough, but if you just know that person okay u will say a few words and chill...

But what if you are that person yourself and you have to hide your identity due to a deep seated cause..
If you say so and reveal yourself the world will fall apart.. then how would you judge that situation..
being behind curtains of anonymity or of a different name than your own..switching off your self your identity...
I have been doing the same for something like that for quite a time..for something good because it is better if least amount of people know m real identity..

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