According to the oxford dictionary “hurt” is a verb that shows an action of making someone feel physical pain or upsetting someone. But is it over there? Are we able to overcome this feeling in a quick span of time? If not, then why? If this word is taken a bit ‘philosophically’ probably we could understand far beyond its literal meaning. “Hurting” and “

” are two completely different words though understood almost the same. My sentence would seem weird to you but somehow I feel hurting shows connection. Things and words can hurt you only if the doer of these actions resides in your heart. Nobody can break your heart from outside. Reactions hurt when you never expect them to hurt you. Actually the deeper definition of hurt could be “hurt”- a twitched feeling that occurs in the heart followed by tears that are forcibly taken back into eyes continuing up to the time you could either forget or forgive the doer. And most of the times we forgive the doer since if somebody was strong enough to hurt you, definitely is close to you. And in every incident of life when we are hurt we calculate whether our reaction is more necessary or the person. I just read somewhere that ‘if someone hurts you and you do not hurt back understanding their situation shows perfect maturity’ but I think it shows perfect understanding since kids also know when someone is scoffing at them what might be the reason and if the reason is left unexplained they somehow try to forget and get going. In life, unknowingly many things hurt you. Anything that you do not expect or don’t like has the potential to hurt you. Let’s compare. A smile from a kid soothes you but a wicked smile can hurt you. Flowers from some beloved sooth you but imagine if someone sends you death garland when you are still alive just to irritate you !! (Even strange to imagine – I know…). When a traffic police officer ignores you, you feel deeply elated but when someone important to you ignores you the emotion reverses. So its not the things or emotions or actions that hurt but the reaction and designation of the person in your life that hurts. Now you might be feeling that you can control who can hurt you and who can’t but my dear friends unfortunately we can’t effectively change people and their positions in our life. Our brain is designed and preprogrammed to make our heart cry if situations ask it to change the positions or remove our friends and beloveds that knowingly unknowingly hurt you from our lives. So eventually you cannot change people but yes you can change your lookout. So learn to forgive and remake things that are precious to you even if they hurt you since eventually after a time it will be the good things you remember lifelong. So when you’re hurt remember its making you stronger and if you forgive the doer, it will make your relation stronger. And for all the people who love to hurt never forget that hurting someone is as easy as throwing a stone in the lake but you never know how deep that stone goes! And the people who trust even after you hurt them, do the stupidest thing on this planet, they think they’ll never be hurt again. Sometimes bearing this feeling of hurt becomes so hazardous that it leaves back wounds that never heal. Trying to forget being hurt by someone you care for is like trying to remember someone you never met. The truth is that at some or the other point of time everybody is going to hurt you. Yet the silver lining to this cloud of hurt is that it can be very well managed with words. Misunderstanding in how you speak something, how it gets conveyed and how is it perceived is all that gives birth to hurt. Please do handle words and hearts with care since once broken they are the hardest to repair. So when you’re hurt or about to hurt someone take a deep breath and drink that anger because as you cannot see your reflection in boiling water, feelings can’t be understood in the mid of rage so analyze before you finalize. Words are so powerful that they can change lives, hurt people and bring hope to the same. They’re just words but they’re so scary! So eventually, words can hurt and words can heal… the choice is yours!

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