*Stand straight, tummy in.
*Shampooed hair, not oily.
*Wear only armani..(made maybe in ulhasnagar..but well ironed.)
*Don't smile much. Look serious.
*Unbutton only topmost button..pretending to get some fresh air..watch 'em gals swoon.
*Control your instincts..don't turn to look at that pretty young thing on that scooty next to you, at the signal.
(she'll follow you for a mile..wondering why you didn't!)
*Don't ask any female's number. You can't be any more dumber!
*Don't laugh that silly feminine laugh. Develop a very deep guffaw.
*Do a bit of workout. Bursting muscles catch a female eye.
*Don't answer her 'hi'. Keep her guessing.
*Never comment on her appearance.
*Pretend you are a tech wiz. (gals need help in that area.)
*Walk confidently.
*Finally develop your own unique personality. Stop aping all others.

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