Be sure you really want to marry her..not just pass time with her till your parents find one.

Pretend to be inaccessible. A gal loves someone who doesn't pursue after her continually.

Look nice, with clean, scented clothes. Go for Raymonds. Your romance will work in great style.
Hair oiling please...
Sport a mustache...with just a faint stubble on the chin. Looks great. At least one gal is guaranteed.

Stop staring at her open mouthed as she passes you by. Pull a chair for her, be courteous, polite. Ask her name and then don't keep forgetting it.

Buy her something to eat. Don't pass the bill subtly to her when she's not looking..

Make nice conversation at the table. Look her in the eyes while speaking. Have eyes only for her. Don't shift your gaze to the gal at the next table. She'll dump you the next moment.

Stop all incoming calls from your crazy friends. Chuck your mobile out of the window. She'd be won over by your sacrifice.

Never wear low cut jeans on a date. The last thing she wants to see is your under wear.

Walk with a swagger. Will work better with some accompanying muscles!

Don't keep interjecting your conversation with mention of mom too often. A mama's boy, she'll say.

When she smiles coyly when you propose, don't jump to conclusions. It might just be possible, her ex-boyfriend is sitting at the next table.

Save those #@#@ sounding words for your dudes. It might not work on her.

Don't look too eager for her reply. Appear to nonchalantly walk away. Remember the swagger.

Finally, if she still doesn't respond, then wait. Maybe another year. And the next.

Maybe her ex read this before you did.
Your fate is now sealed.
You're confirmed single for life.

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