Tell me whats life
And i ll owe you my life
Tell me how to lead it
And i ll pray He lead you to heaven
For nothing is as tough as finding a way in this tortuous journey
Whether are we giuded or all alone on this way
In the hot desert all thrown like cactus
Searching for food and water on their own accord
When you seem to locate the right location
It mocks at you by saying it the 'mirage'
'Oasis' it is physics claims, 'so wonderful' life says

A hippie i am
Hopping from one path to another
In hope of finding the right outcomes
Would the hardships of desert lead the way or the coolness of ocean give the desirable days
I look, I meditate
Where could the epiphany strike
Or search for a yellow robe wise men who could tell me how to lead life!

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