According to many diferent cultures, and the thinking of every persons, there are many various way of finding a marriage partner. The below method to find a friend of life is private mines. This is not exactly way because I do not anybody else or agency to help me find my lover. I want I myself will find him out with our true love. So that, this is the most difficult and spending much more time way. The first stage is finding a lover. With this way, your true love may be around you, but in the first time, you can not recogize him because he is only one of your friends. You must spend much time to be close friend or just a few time to fall in love. The second is knowing step by step about many bad habits of your lover. In this stage, you will have many arguements because of many reasons as jealousy, pravite profit, anything else,.. If you could deal with all problems, and still love him, the final stage will become. This stage is wedding with the true lover because you know what will happen to you with your friend of life. To sum up, this way of finding a marriage partner spends much time, but this is the best way to find out the important partner of your whole life.

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