How deep does the glass cut,
Not deeper than words of hate.
Blood and soul both pour out,
You are left with an empty set.
How high does the ball bounce,
Not higher than a child's hopes.
For their truth is sincerity,
Missing truly in our generation.
How fast can a cheetah run,
Not faster than a parched throat towards water.
A divine transformation takes place,
When one meets his own maker.
How much burn does the flame cause,
Not more than your child abandoning you.
The hope never dies,the heart does,
So rapidly that none of it survives.
How much can one love,
Not more than the love of one's mother.
You are a part of her,
Her greatest joy,her greatest strength.
How much can you smile,
Not more than when your parents smile.
A whole world is devoted to them,
Your world nurtured in their world.

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