Today its your day!
I still remember the first time I had seen you.
It was a college festival meeting. And you were from other stream which all of us hated!
plus you behaved as if you were the head of the committee!!
what a first impression it was! I hated you. what an arrogant and mean girl she must be I thought. even tough I had not spoken a word with you I predicted a lot!

Days passed! we got to know each other. we became friends by then.
I still remember how after college festival meets and all the so called work. some of us who were friends by then even being students from different streams used to sit together and chat for hours.
And you brave girl. you openly shared your personal life with us! some of which we all made fun of and you laughed at it! some of it I thought it takes guts to speak in front of people!

again I predicted!! she is not mean not arrogant she is just too frank!! and honest..

Few more days passed we became good friends by the end of festival. some stupid friend as always..suggested I should date you. you know whom I am talking about!! haha right..

we exchanged numbers!! met at group parties and trust me you were fun to be around.
we always spoke on watsapp almost on a daily basis.

I remember 'how you wished' me everynight before my exam! oh yaa exam se yaad aaya..
tujhe yaad hai. jab exam k kuch dino pehle main bohot senti hogaya tha..

I was telling you that I still miss my one sided love who never said yes.. tough I did not but I said that coz I had no escape from studies and this was the only one..then all night you messaged me to convince me how I can still have her back in my life. she is just one emotional message away from you.
wow you did had that convincing power. but she wasn't convinced. she was dating someone else.. and hearing that 'How we laughed' I still remember..

well from that day you became a very good friend of mine!!

days passed our exams got over. you wished to meet me. and when I said no. you did all your girly drama.

I still remember 'how we met' at the nearest mall I never used to have money with me and tell you how do I come to meet you I don't have any money. and then you slapped me for saying it. money does not matter in our friendship you said.

we met so frequently there. I still have a lot of memories when I pass from those lanes.

I still remember 'how you held my hand' like my best friend telling me that do not worry you'll get a job.

I still remember 'how I felt' when you said that I am the most important person in your life after your family.

I gained a friend in you. I knew you would never leave me what so ever happens. you supported me, hit me, laughed with me.

I loved that I really loved 'how you laughed on my silly jokes'

I will never forget the day when you said lets meet at the beach and 'how I wished' to smoke. do you remember how like dumbs we were trying to light the cigrates and the wind wasn't allowing. trying and trying and trying laughing smiling and giggling.

I was taking the smoke I will never forget 'how you looked at me' and said I think we should date.

I was shocked not ready. after that a lot of things happened. but we dated
and today is your day.. birthday.. i am writing this to wish you

I still remember it all

'how confused I was'

'how we dated'

'how we fought'

'how you loved me so much'

'how I avoided you'

'how I hurt you'

'how you still made me smile'

'how badly we broke up'

I still remember the night when you called me in the train you said holding my hand " i had called you to say we can no longer be in contact and how i should focus on my career" i dint pay attention to the rest but leaving you shocked me. i got down from the train couldn't bare but i broke i started crying.

Today is your day. but

How do I Wish??

how i wish.. how i wish you were here
you aint here
No Phone No message No meet.

all i can do is walk down the lane of memories smile and pray for your smile

il pray

wherever you go.. you always smile.. take care

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