The bike was really going at a high speed. The speedy
wind slapped against my face and blew her hair
backwards, I wish I could've stopped right there , atleast for my girl sitting
behind me. Me & MâĎĎÝ had been
together since college days.
The road was empty, 1 am in the night, it is not expected
to be crowded.
From the opposite side, a car was coming, the driver was
drunk perhaps, cause the car was not following a straight
And suddenly, everything went blank.
When I regained my senses, I was in the hospital lying on the bed.
I looked around, she was not there.
I asked the nurse whether a girl was admitted here along
with me.
She replied that she could not survive.
My life had come to a standstill.
5 years of love stolen in an accident.
Today whenever I think of her...... her smiling image floats in
my mind, when she stood with a rose in her hand asking
me," Do you love me?"

::::: PK <3 MâĎĎÝ :::::

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