When I first saw a friend of mine playing some sort of weird looking word game containing lots of tiles and a colorful green board, I was only 12 years old. I couldn't resist go and take a look. I would understand NOTHING!! except that both player has to put a word that is scoring.

I asked my friend about it. He replied it is called scrabble. But something bothered me about this weird game. AHHHH- I remembered; dad has a small cotton bag at home which has these letter tiles. "Then dad used to play this before. Maybe he could teach me", I thought.

When they finished, I borrowed the board only, saying that I would return it the next day. That evening, I showed daddy the board, and asked him about it. He told me, he was a good player at it and would teach me if I was interested. Of course I was..

I learned the rules, and swallowed every piece of little advice by dad. I practice even a game with him. However, I was much reluctant to return the board. Dad saw this perhaps, and he gifted me a new board some days later. I had leap with joy.

For one year, I trained. Then I participated in a tournament, in which I was the runner-up. I must be good then, I thought. And I trained and practiced even more frequently. Dad said I was becoming good. Mom refused to be my opponent any longer. She said, I was dominating the game every time.

I refused to believe I was that good. I then got real opponents; facebook users.. I led an impressive winning streak until a fateful internet disconnection shattered it. Later I played against dad one last time. I defeated him by more than hundred points. That set me for tournaments..

I got fame in my village and i'm currently ranked third best.. Had to work seriously hard for that rank.. :D

Tags: Short Story

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