We live in a society where being bold is considered bad (especially if you are a girl) and people see you as a rebel and an outrageous person, sometimes aggressive too!
I am not generalizing but hey! Look around and you’ll definitely agree with me. Boldness is not a condition, it’s a state of mind, and a person’s nature and thinking affects it. Some people may consider talking to the opposite sex as bold, where on the other hand, for some people partying all night is also very normal. For some people, being confident is being bold and for others arguing with parents isn’t anything big.
This is very subjective and may vary for person to person.
I have always been advised by my parents to not be ‘too bold’ and not talk back and to talk softly and other such stuff. . and actually I’m just the opposite, so not many people like me.. but that’s not the topic. The topic is why? Why do parents worry too much for their daughters being too bold?
I don’t think being bold is wrong. It’s like saying what you feel, or standing up for something you feel is right, or standing against something you think is wrong, or as simple as talking to your crush (actually, let’s just exclude this one! :P )
If you think boldness is wearing modern and short clothes, then you’re definitely wrong, that’s called Lifestyle. Everyone’s lifestyle is different. My parents allow me to wear modern clothes, but not wearing minies is my choice. Wearing certain clothes doesn’t make one bold.
Most people confuse boldness with extrovert-ism (is that even a word?!). Partying all night, or talking to the opposite sex or wearing modern clothes or laughing loudly or being all open to people isn’t being bold, it’s being yourself.

And if people term this as being bold, then, I am happy being bold!

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