She and he met in a restaurant several days ago. She was nice looking but short. Her hair parted to one side..silky tresses cascaded to her shoulders. And was super thin while he was heftier..somewhat plain in appearance.

They munched on peanuts..guzzled some beer, danced a few awkward steps to everyone's amusement.That's when he proposed. She nodded. They wedded.

Off to their honeymoon. His real self surfaced..hers got defaced. He was rough..uncouth..had no words to soothe.She was delicately fragile. Frigid. Mentally rigid.
She withdrew..he grew silent ,wondering at her strange ailment.
Days passed. He grew bored. With his stiff new wife.

Final day of holiday..he tried to touch one last time. WHACK..he really got it! His face reddened. He sniffed his tears into his while she bathed, he fished out her loaded wallet, sprayed her perfume into his collar.. and picking up his suitcase, fled,never to be seen again!

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