From the last talk I guess you must have got a little idea about my condition. It’s just that ab aadat si ho gayi hai low feel karne ki. Earlier I used to call you whenever I felt low, but now that option is gone. Whenever I call you and try to explain things, you say that slowly the feeling will be gone, aadat ban jayegi. I don’t know whether the feeling will be gone first or myself!

I don’t want you to feel pity on me. I just want you to recognize something in me. The sketch of communication scenario between us is almost imperceptible. So I am unable to convey that something. Already the gap slab between us was thick and now it has attained a plural nature.


Now let me talk something about.........RENDEZVOUS...remember something?

One of the good times. My college's cultural fest. In the first year Mohit Chauhan came, in second year K.K. came, in the third year we didn’t come. And in the fourth year.........

It was the Rendezvous fest time in my college. Remember RDX?

This year I had to leave Delhi on the very first day of fest. But my train got delayed and eventually was forced to return from the station. Later booked flight tickets on the third day of the fest and I got two days for Rendezvous; time for some enjoyment. Everything was happening in the same way as previous years’ fests. Then my best friend introduced me to her girlfriend. Her name is Surbhi. We just roamed around. Had a little fun. They were also having the same issues as we had in our first time. Where to night stay? Where to eat? And all that stuff.

Honey, it made me miss you so much that I got broke to an extreme that day. After meeting his girlfriend and spending some time I left them at RDX to have their share of fun and came back to my room. No one was there in my entire wing. Everyone wanted to grab some enjoyment out of the fest so they were out. In my room, I felt very alone; just me and silence. In every micro-second of my thoughts, I missed you. The air around me became so rigid. Every colour around me became banal. My tongue became acerbic. Finally I dared to call you. But as usual the muteness and hollowness clamped my every word and soon the talk ended. But when the repugnance feel overflowed, I messaged you. “Honey…acha ni lag raha…” I knew your reply, but still wasn’t able to stop myself from messaging. You replied, “Can’t help, but you will get used to it.” (aadat ban jayegi)

Damn. It hurt.

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