Honey, I always believed that meetings are quite essential for any relationship to grow fruitfully. And I even do so now. But in our case, I guess, due to many mishaps, unfortunate incidents, expectations, misunderstandings, indiscriminate judgements during the meets; you lost your in faith in meetings. And I agree that it was considerably reasonable. I am sorry for any of my contributions in turning our meets into regrettable events. Even it is usually observed that people while breakup analyse their relationships with all the bad occurrences that happened together and post-breakup they remember the happy times spent together and regret. But I am not being biased remembering only the happy times. I remember the period during which our gradual rift developed and also the long period during which our relationship developed. I remember all the good as well as bad times and I am not analysing just on the basis of good and happy events. In fact I am not analysing, I am feeling the need for you. I want you.

I know our meetings had developed a little uniformity in being rough, and though the meetings are essential for growth, still we survived the two long distant years without meetings. And I am proud of you for your contributions in sustaining our relationship then. So I guess our relationship is not only a function of meetings and depends on other factors too.

Relationship ≠ f(meeting)
Relationship = f(meeting, talks, feelings, etc…) :)

What I want to say is that we have many other things to look upon other than the bad unfortunate incidents in the past. I am not saying you to forget the past and forget the mistakes, but can we take a small time out of all these calculations of fault and guilt to look into each other’s eyes again? Can we just try to feel what is there with each other? I know you have said many times that you can’t help it, it’s over, but still…


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