Gosh…!!! :)

Something happened just now that I am forced to write it down here.

Today since evening I was feeling the need to have a chat with you. So I just messaged you asking about your exam preparation. To which you didn’t reply. And since you hadn’t replied to any of my messages for almost a week, the urge to talk bolted to a limit. So I just called you and you were busy, out somewhere. Later I messaged again asking “reached room?” You again didn’t reply. Now I just needed your voice! I was getting restless. So finally I called and you answered (sorry if my call disturbed you). But as usual, I was unable to collect words in order to fuel a conversation with you and soon the call was disconnected, me ending up in an uncomfortable state. After hanging up, I guess you got the sense of my discomforting feel and you messaged a text; “you were saying something? I disconnected beforehand I guess…”

To this I did reply. But I lied. I messaged; “I wanted to…but had nothing…”

The actual, according to condition, reply would have been; “I had many things…but I didn’t want to…”

Yes, I had many things to say Honey, but I didn’t. I didn’t want to create any critical talks that would have disturbed your momentum of study. But this is not the part due to which I exclaimed and suddenly became joyful. It was the reply that came next, from you, you texted, “its ok Good night. :)”

Gosh…! Wow…!

A ‘smiley’ from you. It suddenly energized me. My mood somehow became joyful. Not exactly what I wanted, but I got the revival. Thanks for the smiley. Now I can have a very “Good Night”.

And GooN DighT to you too. :)

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