One more thing that is still hovering every moment in my head is your way of calling me ‘shona’. :)

I don’t have the instance marked when exactly you started calling me shona, but it sure started long way back. I miss you calling me that. You have a sharp voice and when you articulate the word ‘shona’ with all your sweetness and love, it just sounds so mellifluous. One could clearly comprehend the deep love that you had just by hearing the word from you. And there’s deplorable me, who sometimes failed to understand the importance of your sonorous ‘shona’. I sincerely want to apologize for every time I reciprocated in an impolite manner. Honey, I am sorry.

"Days back she had asked the meaning of sorry...
So today I am saying dear, I AM SORRY!!!"

Even you used to call me with different names in messages, like, fuchka, fucha, babu nat-khat, kishimu etc. Though it was irritating sometimes but I liked it. And now when I had a talk with you few weeks back, you called me ******(my formal name).

Aaah… it hurts!

It’s not that I am blaming it on you. It’s me who has forced you to call me by my formal name. The situation was in its tipping point and the impact at any such point reaches to the roots. I don’t know about the future, but if it exists (& sure I want it to exist), I’ll surely try avoiding any such tipping points.

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