I’ll tell you one thing Honey, you have this great smile that always attracted me towards you. You have those perfect thin accentual lips on your small face, on which my faculty of consciousness has always fallen. Your smile has always towered my desire to love you. In the past September, on a day I asked you your sister’s birthday, in the last message you typed a smiley:). I don’t know why that smiley appealed me so much. In that frequently used smiley symbol, I figured your smile. How, I don’t know. I cannot explain how much your smiling snaps have supported and encouraged me whenever I felt down. And today, I am not able to give a life to that smile. I have a compounding guilt feeling of being incompetent in sustaining that smile. The feel of not being a part of your smile is killing me today. I have said many times that your certain activities have suffocated me a lot. But the choking feeling of suffocation that I am feeling now, due to the increased distance from your smile, is enormously greater than that. I wish I could sue myself for this.

Days back during our school days, when our friendship just started, rather our close relationship just started, during the days winter, while playing dare and truth with folks around they mostly dared me to ask you for anything. And I simply asked for a pen and you turned back, smiled and passed the pen. That was the beginning of those critical moments which seeded a strong affection for your smile.

Honey, please don’t take away your smiles from me. I need them!

I have been a part of your smiles, and I want to be attached more. Honey, things can get better, our relationship can potentially smile more.

MIRACLES do happen!

Anyways, now that talking about old episodes regarding your smile, it just clicked another one. Remember the day I came to north to give you a surprise? I asked you via phone about your exact location and I came to you. The reaction of happiness that you reciprocated immediately at that instant got glued so strong in my mind that I consider that moment as one of the best happy moments that I have provided you. (I don’t know whether it was one of the happiest moments for you or not, but I consider it.)

Later that day, the glowing smile stayed long on your face. Even while saying to your friend (who had a plan with you for some shopping) that you cannot come with her though you had committed her for it, you were smiling! I don’t know whether your friend felt bad or not, but the crux was that you were smiling. :)

Keep smiling…:)

Currently at this moment, I don’t know how you are doing. Whether that smile is still contained or not? The last talk that I had with you, you said that everything was ok and you didn’t want to diverge from your set schedule as you had no time and the days left are less for the exam. Since then I haven’t called you. I don’t want to disturb you in your crucial hours. I just messaged you two times, the day India won against Pakistan and the day India got out of the tournament expressing my mood after the matches. Remember, you usually used to message me after the matches of India expressing your post-matches mood, just because I liked Cricket so much and you wanted to be part of my happiness of celebration. I loved that! This time I just tried to be a part your mood but I was sure you were not watching the match as you had preparations to do and also you didn’t replied eventually. So I considered it not right to message you anything further.

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