One day I wished to bake a cake for some friends who were coming over. So I beat the eggs, then the softened butter, then the sugar...mixed all ingredients well. Put it in the oven. The cake now cooled looked somewhat funny.
I had added cornflour into the cake mix instead of maida!
The no good cake was soon trashed into the bin.

Once an acquaintance visited after a long time. Chatting with her when I made the tea, I added salt instead of sugar by error. She took one sip and thoooo!!!
That funny face how can I forget!

Cooking is really an art. I usually learn it the hard way. The trial and error method. Sometimes it was either too much salt or no sugar at cooking prowess tested to the limits.

A person who went only by the cook books initially, I eventually gave up. The measures of ingredients usually given there aren't that accurate. Sometimes I must use some common sense. By the time I realize, its too late.
And they don't really part with valuable tips. So I wonder how their stuff turns out so well while mine doesn't inspite of using the same ingredients.

Hubby gets to know the depth of my devotion for him, when he gazes at my burnt offering! Lying meekly on his plate.

After years of daily practice, I can manage somewhat delectable stuff.

Many women hate cooking. Its actually fun. Nothing like some home made mango panha, pickles...home made puran polis, savouries and what not. They start as flops, but with careful handling come out well the next time around. Or the next.

It makes us swell in pride when folk compliment us.
"You did this?"

Nothing else can put us on an instant high as that!

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