Holi in IIT is mostly a shirt ripping competition for boys (:P). The tagging competition usually begins when all the participants have been smeared with color and their shirts have been done with. This year the competition was between the seniors and the juniors with juniors dominating throughout.

Well now's the interesting part. Bhang (an intoxicant) is distributed in our hostel. Its time to introduce the main character of this incident. Lets call him Spartacus (since unfortunately I can't disclose his true identity). So, our Spartacus makes an entry, gets super excited for Holi and consumes a jug full of milk containing
Bhang. To prove his mettle he even consumes 2 raw Bhang golis (BALLS). Our Spartacus feels tried after such an exhaustive battle and wants to have a bath before a nice long sleep. So he goes to the bathroom, undresses and Bhang does its work - he suddenly snaps.

He walks out naked. One of his friends notices him, walks him to his room and locks it from outside. Now his friends in the corridor have gathered outside his room and are discussing the event. Someone feels that there has been no noise from inside the room and that they should check it out; but they are all too afraid to face him. Finally someone finds the courage and opens the door.

And VOLA!!! he is gone and............ the window is open. Now this is Jwalamukhi hostel of IIT-Delhi. Spartacus' room is on the first floor and opens onto the Badminton court and it is possible to get out of the hostel from here without anyone in the hostel noticing. Now his friends quickly form a searching party to find and retrieve over great Spartacus.

Map is given in following link for u to get some idea.


While they are searching, some of his friends hear shouting voices from outside the hostel gate (Those in IIT-Delhi will know that Jwalamukhi hostel is just adjacent to hostel gate.). They run outside and wonder whether Spartacus has made his nudity public; but they see nothing; they are too late. Its not easy to catch up with our great Spartacus afterall. They ask the the hostel guards and they say "bhaiya haan ek banda bhag raha tha road pe.. uss taraf gaya hai..."

They walk towards the direction and a police man stops them. He informs them that he saw the boy and inquires about him. He takes one of them with him on his bike and follows the Spartacus. They find him and thank God he was at least wearing pants... They all come back to Jwala..... and decide never to have Bhang again!!!!!!!!!! Except that I know that Spartacus can't do without Bhang... So here I am with fingers crossed waiting for Spartacus to win another battle!! :P :P

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