Give me your hand
And walk with me
Into the dark
Where light is only a figment
And infatuation
A hope that’s never there
Never been

Walk with me to the land
Where they dance on the graves
Of the dead, of the mortal
For there’s nowhere you could go
With your spirit in hand
For you are too dark for the good
I see that in you

So walk with me
Into the woods
Where the nightingale sings
Of the triumphs of the evil
Over the good
Where the trees stand still
With a devilish aura

Where the demonic holiness
Of the night brings
A sweet scent of death
A death, so cold, so silent
Only the devil shall lurk upon it
Only he has the right to
Engulf it, conceal it

So, come my friend
Come to this pious land
And embrace
The Holiness of the Unholy

Tags: Thriller

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