There will be times in a relationship when ur partner will
start to doubt things..dey will start having second
thoughts,start to wonder if staying together would be the
right thing to do... That's when u dont hav to
freakout,instead u have to reassure dem that everything
will be okay, that arguments are normal, that things won't
always be perfect..but u two wont get apart n face it all
together. Show dem that dey shouldn't give up on
something just because things get hard, that as long as u
2 stay together trying to mke it all bttr,, nothg wrng will
hit it...
n believe me..dey will undrstnd... but u need to hndle
dem.. bit more carefully...n put in ur honest dey
will no more b hopeless instead think of holding on...

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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