It was his wedding day. As I finished
giving touches thy o my mild makeup, my
thoughts flew back to my school days.
The first time I met him, he was just
another face in the crowd. We met
occasionally through common friends.
We became good friends, always had
fun at the other¹s expense. He never
spared a chance to irritate me, which
was not very difficult. We always
ended up fighting and patching up the
next day only to fight again. 2 years
flew by but nothing changed. Our
friends knew we were very close and
teased us incessantly. We would
blush but still continue fighting.
Everyday I would wait impatiently for
him to come. If I didn¹t see him for
even a day my heart would not be in
whatever I do. I would roam around
listlessly. I attributed it to the fact that
I did not have my daily quota of fights
and patch up. We grew up together,
but as we grew up we became more
aware of our friends making fun of the
usual teenage gossip and us. We
slowly reduced our fights and spent
less and less time together.
One day he came and told me that he
was leaving to another city. I had
always taken it for granted that I could
see him whenever I wanted to. For the
first time I realized how much he
meant to me. All our friends were
there to say goodbye. I wanted to say
so much, but I didn¹t know how to
convey my feelings. As the car pulled
out, I realized at that moment that he
meant more to me than anything else.
He was my best friend but I also
realized, I had unknowingly,
unconsciously fallen in love with him.
I wished he were there, in front of me
so that I could tell him how I felt. But
he was gone. There was not a day,
not an hour when I didn¹t think of him.
My friends realized something was a
miss, as they had never seen me so
silent and so lost in thoughts. When
they found out the reason, they felt it
was just a crush and that it would go
away. Some suggested finding out his
whereabouts, but I didn't want them
to. I was happy to be in love. I didn¹t
want to think that there were two
possibilities, he might love me, but he
might not. I was happy that I was in
love it was beautiful.
There were times when I would miss
the sharing, the companionship, and
the sweet nothings that people in love
felt and enjoyed. My love was one
sided but it was love nevertheless. He
was always there in my thoughts and
what better companionship can I ask
for? Time flew. I went to college and
then to work. Through the years I
heard bits and pieces of news about
him. I heard he was abroad, studying.
And then I heard he was in love.
My heart broke. The rational side of
me knew that since I had never told
him how I felt, I should accept what
happened. But my heart cried. As
much as I tried I couldn¹t stop
thinking about it. I would spend the
whole day putting up a smiling face
for the people around me, and fall into
my bed, tears streaming down my
face. I realized I had to face the truth.
He was my first love and would
always be, but I realized life has much
more to offer. I wanted to move on, be
happy and maybe meet someone
whom I would love and who would
love me. Surprisingly fate decided to
help me in its own way. I met his
mom by chance and she promptly
invited me for his wedding. I realized
the only way to come to terms would
be to actually go for wedding. I knew,
once I see him happily married, I
could and would get over it. I came
back to the present with a start, as my
mobile phone rang. It was my friend
asking me out for a movie. I told her I
was going to a marriage to meet a
long lost friend and hung up. I was
ready, to face reality.

::::: MâĎĎÝ :::::

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