She came to me asking for help; i knew I couldn't do it
Her voice was low, on the verge of crying; I think I heard a yelp

She was the girl with silky hair; now bushy and unkempt
Her eyes now swelled, once shining bright, dismayed I could not help

It is true I wanted to be; her lover she would take
Her pink lips mesmerize me, at moments of partake

She asked me, 'I need support' ; naturally I asked Why
The readers should know,it is must,but neither delve nor pry

Our relation, though confused it was; did not end on a good note
We fought hard, frustrated I was,quote "confused she was" unquote

Embarrassed, scathed and hurt she says; 'you are a friend still you know'
Rejection of love, though wrenched my Heart,it said help in her woe

I'm a friend, a true one; my dear don't worry
Drop the pending baggage, let us set ourselves free

I'll stand by and walk along; will never say goodbye
Will try my best to help you love; and never let you cry.

Tags: Poem, Love, Loss, Relation, Help

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