The slanting clock on the wall, a fallen flower from the vase,
cushions lying disarrayed, books sprayed all around, clothes in an awful mess, make me go through this awesome fuss!

Pots in the balcony, shifted from their usual place, the guitar tilted at an awkward angle...towels lying unfolded, toilet seats uncovered, geysers not put off... enough to make me go into full fledged frenzy.
Straightening, tidying up then takes up my whole day.

Writing on babu, another of my pet fetishes is searching for the perfect picture, which sometimes takes me a while as also going over and over numerous times the errors of my funny grammatical line.

I take sonny's lessons, he dreads, he hates my endless correction.
'Ma, I'll do it myself' he tells me finally with a disgusted face.

Please O please somebody ! Free me from my perfectionism, it is slowly taking a heavy afraid I'll fall..scared I'd fail...
help me please...

This endless correcting, straightening, tidying is taking a toll for sure...some folk hardly mind an untidy house..
and I wanna just freak out,
creep out of my endless perfectionism...
and let things just be
for a change!

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