I've been so long on Wb, and Wb has gone so much into me..
I sometimes wonder...

if I'm muttering 'Hats off..nice..speechless' in my dreams.
I dread the day when I would walk up to a bakery and ask for some bread 'polls'..
or on overhearing a narration, mutter loudly, 'SHARED!'

On a bus the conductor asks me my destination, I'd absently reply,' Srijanpur.'
The thing's so much in me that perhaps if he prods me to know where I'm from, I might even reply, 'Mallupuram.'

things are surely getting out of hand.
If someone asks me my siblings' name, I might blurt out..'Nishant' or 'Anand':)))
By chance if they still enquire if I have kids, I might reply, 'yeah..two. Riya and Percy.'

What with my commenting irreverently on EVERYONE, every where I go! At church, in someone's home, in my class...
Even strangers aren't spared.
They are surprised. What's gotten into me?

Then my habit of uploading pictures. It might get on their nerves as well.
Why, I might end up uploading someone's photo from his Fb album and add it to my Wb post by error. He would go wild with rage!

My fingers fly to Writerbabu first thing, as I log onto PC.
When I'm sitting in hospital/hotel lounge...folk around me watch me making funny faces. Sometimes I burst out laughing..like a little kid.
How can't I, when I'm reading those funny Wb posts?

I go sleep walking to my PC each night.
I snore 'thank you' continually.
My signature has been reduced to a ridiculous :) or sometimes :p.

I've been on Wb too long..
now Wb refuses to leave me!!!

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