Nothing much to do,lying all day
staring blankly at the ceiling
what's really wrong they cannot say.

The doctor comes in,coat and style
jabs him here,pokes him there
jots down jargon into his bedside file.

'Will he be okay',his mom's very perturbed
'oh,there's nothing wrong
he just seems little disturbed.'

'Beta,are you in stress
studies,friends or even a girl
what really brings you into this mess?'

'Don't know,Ma,don't know why
I feel so much
that I'm gonna die.'

Suddenly she walks in,flowers in hand
smiles the way only she can smile
'see,'says she,'my wedding band.'

His eyes turn glazed,his heart stops the beat
for she,his precious sweetheart
has beaten a hasty retreat.

Why me,why me,he sobs into his pillow
how so heartless could she be
her professed love so cold,so shallow?

Daylight streams into the room now very shoddy
the nurse walks in with his dose
to find his still,motionless body.

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