Well,my write ups are becoming increasingly women centric.I can't help it.

I'm surrounded by suffering women everywhere I go.Take this lady for instance.Very close to us.A well qualified nurse,she worked in the U.S nearly all her life.Very elegant in her dressing, posh in her outlook and extremely generous by nature.

Hers was a love marriage.They had worked together.But the man turned out to be very abusive.Rude and unappreciative,he would often beat her up for small errors.

She diverted her mind with work,lots of friends who adored her and of course raising her kids.
Strong willed, she sustained herself somehow.

Eventually age caught up with her.Now retired,she's got lot of time on her hands.And worries too.Her hubby's not changed one bit.Her daughter,a doctor, moved to another state.She doesn't have time for her mom, who craves after her.Son's still struggling to find his footing in the world.

She's on numerous medications now.Anger controls her at times.'Why wasn't I given a share in the property?' She fumes.
Incoherent in her speech,she goes on talking for hours on end.

It's very difficult to see her in this state.She, who helped my family in struggling times,financially.She who sent us parcels of clothes intermittently.Who remembered to gift us huge amounts during our weddings.

She weeps and weeps.Nobody loves her,she cries.Mom reaffirmed her love for her, during her call to her the other day.'I know',she replied and continued weeping again.

'I know a place where I can go and end it all',she confessed.
'Never do that.You have no right to take your own life,' Mom reprimanded her.

She's heartbroken.How can we comfort her?
All the abuse of her past is coming to the surface now.In this form.

If only her hubby were kinder to her.More sensitive to her feelings,appreciative of her efforts.
She wouldn't have been in this state now.

The wise saying goes,'In marriage,two beings become one flesh'. They are indeed one flesh.But one up against the other.Then how could the other survive?It could end only in a severe form of split personality.
A schizophrenic.

That's what she is now.

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