Hear her.., in the Tiger’s mouth…

Eyes on her:

From the earlier period of time, girls, women and even female infants were attacked from all the corners of the society. The remorseless crimes against girls are now too not at an end…
First, a girl child was considered as a bane to the family so she would be buried alive.., later it improvised into abortion and now what not…

Ancient epics and stories sometimes reflect women as the light of a society where as sometimes she would be just an equipment under men for his desires. But women is not so always, she is an angel, goddess, a mother, a daughter, a guide, a friend and even a devil… Circumstances are which change her. As every citizen, she is also born, bought up and have her own dignity and personality which none of the others have right to be exploited…

Bans of Bane:

A girl child is always born with lots of restrictions on her. It starts from her right to live, and then on to her education, and many others. She is neglected from her rights to live, learn and love. But now, half of the things are changed, which should be appreciated.
Even though, why are girls not allowed to choose her partner? It is her life and she has to live, so, there with the guidance of her parents she should be asked to choose her life partner. Then there comes a lots of NO’s but now let me ask why even after this long term of development and freedom she is not able to say “NO” towards a man who touches her without her wish? There is the role of our society and media to protect her from the eagle eyes around…Know that she maybe your sister, daughter or even your mother…
I strongly say that ‘A man who touches a girl without her sake is really a coward and is an animal’. Even animals are far better than this…

‘For her’ :

Ranging from Indhira Gandhi we have Malala Yousufzai at the end to support girls. But where are her targets lost?
The answers are many, it may be to the never- ending list of victims like Soumya from Kerala and then to the Delhi issue( the list continues again!).

In this eve :

I’m so happy that the youth of India are showing their protest against this cultureless sex mania.
The government of India must show due care for these sort of events and the accused should be hanged at the time. Proper maintenance of law is must here.
In the close of 2012 and at the opening of 2013 my biggest dream is of my country, my mother India, where we girls do not fear to walk alone…
No more fears, No more tears, now just kick off those murmuring memories of the past but do protest against the cowards around.

My words at this shore :

My only message to my beloved sisters and the entire women society is that to say ‘NO’ at occasions necessary and never bend your personality in front of any one.

“Live and Let Live”…

Hoping for a well- cultured society where women live happily away from fears and tears……

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