That morning she had chanced upon him as she lay down on her bed.
Her heart thumped with joy. Her face lighted up like a million watt bulb. She couldn't wait to hug him.

She had been in fact expecting him all along. She had waited for months to see this day, when finally she would get to meet her heart throb. And, boy, was she thrilled!
He was cute as she had thought he'd be. But he looked slightly bewildered.
Did he really like her, she wondered?

She gazed deeply into his eyes as he lay down next to her. It was a feeling so strange, she never had experienced before.
He closed his eyes.
'Open please,' she whispered to him in her thoughts.
He opened them, as if reading her mind accurately.
'Love you, darling,' she muttered aloud.
He seemed to blush.
He was pink all over.

Suddenly his expression changed. From bewilderment, to hunger.
She could see he was getting annoyed. His eyes narrowed down to a thin line, grew moist..
and now he actually began to weep softly.
So she gingerly took him in her arms..watched him cuddle up immediately to her warmth..he fell silent as if by magic!
Ten minutes passed by.

She looked at him again. He was asleep.
She didn't want to put him down. The bond, born between them months ago, was getting deeper. She simply fell in love with him. Again!

She couldn't take her eyes off him. She had seen the range of emotions he exhibited. From bewilderment to annoyance and now to sheer contentment.
The months of waiting for his appearance now made sense to her. The pain was over.
She had him. He was hers finally. Now she would walk with him everywhere. She could walk tall for the first time. People would notice her. None would taunt her anymore. Her reproach would be a thing of the past.

"Are you done with feeding him, Sheila?" A voice reverberated from the far end of the room. It belonged to her mother.
Sheila nodded as she shuffled her sore body to a more comfortable position.
Her mom rose up like an arrow, trotted over to where her daughter sat.
Then with trembling hands, she picked up the little bundle of joy from Sheila's lap and kissed her new born grandson like a crazy woman.

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