Do you know there is a deep, deep vacuum in each of our lives? That no person on earth can ever fill?
Sometimes we look for relationships to fill up that huge void, that awful emptiness in our lives.
No matter what our standing in life, there's a space no mother, no dad, no lover, no friend could ever occupy.
Other than Him.
Well, I mean Him, my Friend..yours too..the one up there who looks out for you.

We get so frustrated when folk we trusted in so much ditched us so easily. When the man or woman we decided to get hitched to for life..suddenly backs off and finds someone else.
Maybe it's His way of calling us closer to Himself.
Maybe that person wasn't really meant for us.
Maybe we were heading anyway for He decided to butt in.

But the fact is true. We need Him. And awfully so.
Someone once said there's a God-shaped vacuum in every one of us. That only He could fill.
If we look for fulfillment in cheap pleasure, in somebody else..then we are in for disappointment.

In Him all things consist. Everything in this universe, the sun, moon, stars, nature..was created for Him. Can you believe that?
Have you seen the trees dancing, leaves clapping their hands in rain? In perfect harmony with all of nature..with Him.
Have you seen the mountains shaking, the earth splitting.. if not at His command?
The stormy wind blows uprooting gigantic trees..the gentle breeze moves ever so softly, whispering lullabies into the tiny herb's ears.

Summer scorches, rain soothes...winters are icy...spring signals fresh beginnings.
Flowing rivers, placid lakes..
Dancing daffodils, plush golden fields..
Greens and blue..reds and yellow merge into myriads of combinations.
Everything in nature dances to His tune.

Thunder roars, lightening strikes at His will.
Don't the sun and moon obey Him to this day? They've never ceased to shine and shine and shine for an eternity now.
The stars love to come out at night..dressed in their sparkling best.
Has the mighty sea ever crossed it's boundaries ever? The one marked out for it by it's Maker?
This much and not one foot more..the sea recognizes its limits.

How much then do we need to obey Him? For we are His creation too.
Then how much more do we need to seek Him and search out His purpose for our lives?
If He's our maker, then let's look into the manufacturer's manual. His Word.
For His instructions.
How to run our lives, where to go, when to stop and so on.
We'd then find fulfillment and deep purpose for all that we lay our hands to do.

May He fill up that He-shaped vacuum in our lives.

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