Yes, this post talks about the movie titles "he's just not that into you". This is true with I guess all of us - whenever we are infatuated with someone, we enter our own world of dreams thinking of the slightest possibilities that "it" might happen. In some cases, even if we know that the other person is interested in someone else or might even be in a relationship, we still think about one chance where we might get lucky and have the other person also showing interest in us.

Its human to think that way. But the problem lies with our friends and how much we do or don't trust them. if our friends try to make us realise that it's not worth it, we think that they don't understand our feelings. There is another group of friends who are so emotionally attached to us that they also start dreaming that we will get all the happiness we want. They add to forthcoming misery - the misery that we would face when we come out of this delusion.

I have personally gone through the same, having both set of friends on my side. Sometimes you become so lost in the infatuation you think of as "love" that every little thing appears to be a progress made. But I would say one thing, everyone should once have this phase in his/her life - not for the pain you feel that time but to understand the real meaning of love. It is not about getting the person you think you like in your life (sometimes, it's just after a few interactions that you start feeling so, without even knowing the person actually), but to value what you have and giving all the love to the person you get along with really well. It should be about being happy and then closeness will make you love that person.

Sometimes, when the feelings are mutual from both the sides, things turn out well. Even in that case, you might not know the person that well you might have been thinking. It is at this point of time that you will realise whether you actually want to be with the other person or not - even after getting to know some of the hidden truths about your him/her, still wanting to hang around or trying collaboratively to help improve each other to make the relationship, yourselves and each other better.

There were a lot of thoughts running through my mind at the same time, hence this post might be a bit confusing. But what I want to say is that it's better to be practical whenever the feeling of liking is not mutual, even if you are not, it will help you learn a lesson for the future and help you value what you have. When I look back today, I realise that I would not have been so happy with the person I was longing to be with as I am today with the love of my life :)

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