Fun and spirituality?
Did they go together?

I seriously didn't think so.
At least till I started attending this little church some years ago.

For me church meant a serious affair. Being long faced..sometimes dour too.
And coming back home made me feel worse sometimes.

But here it was different. People interacted with one another informally, during the service. They laughed and joked.
How irreverent, I thought!
That's not how its supposed to be, I wanted to scream.

"Don't copy our western ways, your culture's the best."
The preacher interrupted my thoughts.
He was dead right there, I agreed.

I liked the way they spoke at length to one person at a time after the service. The couple had time for everyone.
The love, the fun element, I saw there, was actually so missing in my life.

"Why are you so serious?" A woman asked me once. I had no answer.
My mind had been conditioned to believe that spirituality and fun weren't meant for each other.

One day, He spoke. From His book as usual.
"Be like little children. Only then can you enter the kingdom of heaven."

So I began listing the kind of things kids normally do.
They play, they smile, they sing, they forget wrongs done to them in an instant..finally they laugh!

It struck me then.
Here's where I missed the point.

I had some preconceived ideas of how I needed to act in His house...
While all He wanted me to be was to be childlike and humble.
Just be myself. Plain old me.
No dikhawa. He knows me inside out anyway.

I looked at Him. While on earth, He laughed, He smiled, went wherever He was called, whoever it was. Highborn or lowborn. With no airs absolutely.

"Take My yoke on you. My burden's light and easy to bear."
It began to make sense.
I was indeed carrying unwanted burden on my shoulder.

So, now I laugh lots, joke unstoppably, of course within my limits..
And the best thing is...
He laughs with me too.

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