Just returned from scanning the night streets of Indore......here people call it Mini Mumbai...and suddenly a thought came to me......................
I am from Mumbai. Born and brought up here.And as we all know Mumbai is a fast moving city. There neither time nor people wait for anyone but when I came to Indore time suddenly slows down for me, rules change and people too....
Let me explain...In Mumbai whenever my father and I took a ride down the market he always instructed me to wear a seat belt, not only for my safety but also for traffic policemen's shrewd eyes but here in Indore, seat belt????..........ans....who cares???...no one will see.....
In Mumbai we have strict traffic rules and everyone I mean practically mostly follow them and those who don't....there is something called fine for them,right???...but here in Indore at a crossroad numerous cars from all direction dashing their way into each other go about and I whisper under my breath," Gosh!!!...no traffic rules?!?!".....and at last my search doesn't go in vain and I find the traffic police man standing there in a corner whistling with every bit of energy felt with him, but the people seem to be too busy to care for him.....Ah!!!.....Mumbai miss you....
In Mumbai be it week days or week ends....our malls are crowded with old, young, teenage, adults....all busy scurrying and hurrying here and there.....the Pizza Huts,the Mcdonalds, the KFCs are filled with busy and enigmatic people doing their own thing.....but in Indore I find crowd in malls only on Saturdays and Sundays...but mouw kulfiwala, sodawale ki van ke paas, chaat wale ke paas to hamesha hi bheed hoti hain!!!! be it Sunday or Monday!!!..then tell how Indore is MINI MUMBAI?????....and here people will accept a bit torn note without any faces but in Mumbai if you give it to anyone he gives you an expression saying," Fix it or screw it."...
The purpose of writing this post is to tell that being one country our cities have some small and some big differences that is good in a way...I mean different is good but should our law and rules too change with the state or city????.....Equality is one of the attributes our country stands for....and I think except gender and religion there is also inequality regarding our laws.....but I must say every place is unique in its way and it must keep that up...!!!!

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