Have I told you yet...

How much you mean to me...

Have I told you yet...

About all the happiness you bring!

Have I told you yet...

That you are one of my best friends!

Just in case I haven't...

I want you to know that...

"For all the times u made me smile, thank u.

you held my hand, thank u.

u smiled at me, thank u.

you listened to me when no one else would, thank u.

u encouraged me, thank u.

you motivated me, thank u.

u shared a part of yourself with me, thank u.

you made me meet myself, thank u.

u gave me a ride somewhere, thank u.

you asked to spend time with me, thank u.

u trusted me, thank you.

you complimented me, thank you.

u cared about my well being, thank you………"

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