Hardwork, Hardwork, Hardwork,
That's all I have tried to do with my work.

Difficult the work is, the more Hardwork to do with,
Still not give up,
but giving up to mine Hardwork.

Hardwork, Hardwork, Hardwork,
That's all I have tried to do with my work.

Lot's of stress,
Mind on press,
Losing the hopes just like the rest,
though my heart says do Hardwork with the best.

Hardwork, Hardwork, Hardwork,
That's all I have tried to do with my work.

Cried, Tried, And have a ride on pride,
just b'coz of the Hardwork that i gave to the work which is my first bride.

Hardwork, Hardwork, Hardwork,
That's all I have tried to do with my work.

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