I am writing after a long time. And. Please don't think am a looser after reading this post, because am not. Something happened and its embarrassing to tell but will share it anyway, anonymously and in a very lame English.

I had my birth day about one month ago. I had not been a not so popular person in my college life and my friend circle is also very huge. I have lots of close friends. Atleast I thought till that day.

Some background first. I work in a company and my friend from college also works there. We two used to go every weekend to a place where there are some more college friends. We used to hangout and had 'fun'. And it was our weekly routine.

Another important background pivotal sub story. I love a girl. She was my friend and my one sided love used to wreck havoc on our friendship every now and then. I had been in love with her since last four years but the last one year was a no, no-talk year. She called one week before my b'day and the ice was broken. But that was just one call. She did not replied my message and I did not bothered her much again. Remember her, she will be back in the story soon.

So it was Saturday and my b'day was on Monday. I voluntarily went to our hangout and was expecting that there will a party this week. I even took out some cash from ATM in my way. So we two reached there and had our usual 'fun' along with other guys. Stayed there on sunday too. I was working on my laptop as usual and others watched movies and listened songs as usual.

One of our friend who lived some other city was in town, infact the same place but had gone to meet some other friends. He told he will be back in few hours, but he was still not back. Some of the friends who owned that hangout place were also missing. For once I even thought they were planning a surprise party because usually everyone who lived there actually stayed there when we used to go there(to hangout and have 'fun'). But that was a wrong thought. It was 11 30 and my office friend(with whom I used to come to this hangout place) told me that it seems we need to go now as it was Monday the next day and it seemed no body remember my b'day. He confirmed that cake has not been ordered. I said lets go, hiding the embarrassment.

We left that place with the people still there wishing my "happy b'day". The friend who had come from other city reached in time when we were about to leave and he got along with us. It was 11 45pm. He had to leave for his own place(his city) that night. We told him that it was my b'day. He wished me. We dropped him to the bus stand. Then my friend dropped me to my place.

And I got just three calls that night. One from my mom-dad, one from my sister and one from my friend who had not called to wish B'day but he just watched some video from our college time and thought should call. I stayed awake till 6 am in the morning and was just passing time, walking on roof as there was power grid failure. Next day some people called, I think 6-7 more calls. And she did not call. The girl I love. I was kind of expecting her to call.

If you are moved by my story and crying, please stop. The point is not that everyone forgot my birthday and it was embarrassing, but the point is that she have her b'day coming soon. And now we are in talking terms. (I am happy that after an year of exile we are finally talking)

So should I do anything special for her? Last year I went to her house at 12'o clock with cake along with some other mutual friends. This year too it is very much feasible and possible to do the same. And there is no question of willingness because I can do just anything for her. I am just mad.


I am also afraid that it might not be a good idea. I often do things which leaves no value for the deeds I do . And it would be especially embarrassing for me if I do anything on any one's b'day. I think so.

Guys, what do you think?

P.S: Like most of you, I also do what my heart will say at that moment, but still give opinion.

Tags: Comic, Tragedy

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