I spent months here reading, writing, sermonising, laughing, crying, arguing.
Folk here are like family now.
An invisible, large, extended family.

I simply felt like honoring our fabulous writer brothers out here, knowing it's your important day today.
Happy Bhai dooj.
So on behalf of us Wb sisters, we reach out to our beloved young and old brothers out here.
We send you our heartiest wishes, imaginary sweets(!) etc
Hope you remember to send us cash filled(real) envelopes soon haha.
We pray(after receiving the envelopes!) that God would bless you with long life and His richest, purest blessings!

We raise a toast to David, Nishant, Anand, Mr.K, Sri, Mithilesh, Kaustubh, Abhinav, Sam, Mukhtaar, Ruchirashi, Anonymous musings, Praveen, Arastu, Vishal, Visiting, Pratap, Arpit, Utkarsh, Ashish, Ullas, Arak, Naveen..and to all other brothers out here..including Anons too! I'm sorry can't remember any more!

HATS OFF for being such NICE men.
We remain SPEECHLESS in admiration.

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