He had found a job in the middle east. She was left behind to look after his aged parents, their son. He earned enough to send home something.
A good looking house sprang up in place of their ramshackle abode in no time.
Neighbours' envy..owners' pride.

Now fitted into upper middle class variety, their needs went for an upheaval. Son was sent to a better school. She began visiting parlours. Sharp featured, wheatish complexioned, smooth skinned. Her skin needed no extra pampering really.
But the status quo. She wanted to fit the bill.

She enrolled in a nearby gym. She lost weight too easily.
Was a cake walk indeed.

The friendly trainer began taking an extra interest in her. She found him charming.
One day he asked her out for coffee. She refused but relented finally.
Soon every other day they went out.

She began to like him more and more. She waited anxiously for their nightly mobile chats.
Little realising she was already into a full blown emotional affair.

Her hubby rang her up as usual. He found her voice devoid of warmth. Indifferent and cold. He dismissed it as work overload.

Meanwhile she grew blatant by the day. She couldn't stop now. She hungered for more.
They spent more time together. He found her a passionate lover. He whispered sweet nothings into her delicate ear.
Gave her heavenly orgasmic pleasures sending her into ecstatic highs.

Her home life in complete ruins. Son totally neglected. His grandparents now left to fend for themselves.
She was a total mess.
Still her hubby missed nothing. He suspected nothing.
He never really loved her in the first place. His marriage was a matter of convenience.
Just an arrangement suiting him perfectly. He lived a double life.
He was in another's arms.

The result was inevitable. The spouses both nestled in their lovers' arms.
The family in total chaos. Kid rebellious and out of control.
Neighbours can't stop blabbering away.
Love for money had had it's way.
One more couple from Kerala gone astray.
One more malayali family in total disarray.

Tags: Tragedy

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