One day, all of a sudden you realize that everything's going wrong.. Nothing, absolutely nothing seems to be right(forget perfection!).. Whatever you've thought, whatever you've felt, whatever you've said, whatever decisions made, whatever you've done... Some that you were aware of, some unaware. Nobody around you seems to be a friend. You look at Mom, and she has that reassuring smile on her face.. She would never leave you; no matter what you become, no matter what she says... Then you look at Dad..and he questions back,
"Kya hua?"
You have nothing to reply. You run away, escape. ESCAPE, why?You try to escape so many consequences, so many awkward situations, looks, conversations, faces, whispers, glances, mentions and pata nahi kya-kya ! Why? How did this happen ? This feeling, what to do with it? REGRETTING YOUR EXISTENCE LIKE NEVER BEFORE !
The inner voice comes forward time and again,
"Change yourself." she says..
"Okay.. I will try. But if I confront a similar initiation anytime in future,will I be able to go with it? Mould myself yet again? I would certainly dread a similar fate then. And I would back-off. Once out, I will never want to face it again. I will never want to enter a cave, afearing a lion that might not even be there. All the caves will remind me of that lion. Do you still want me to do this?"
She sighed,"Yes",
"Oh yes of course.. Because then you will ask me to enter the cave, as you would probably tell me that all caves are not the same. Another challenge then, isn't it?"(not to forget the disgust in the tone!)
She shot back," I will do what is needed to be done"
"Aren't you tired of challenges yet?"(with a frown!)
"No.. And you sound fed up already ! Count your challenges first, you'll be able to do it on your fingers !",she giggles now!
"Its time to do something about everything, right?"
"Yes, very badly", she smiled..
"Thanks for being there.."
"Don't be silly!"
Like they say...Happy Ending !!(Or beginning? :) )
And guess what was all the above mentioned (like I said "sudden")realization about? It was the after-effect of a movie !!


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